Tuesday, July 17, 2007

All of Europe is Obsessed With This Product

I don't care how hungry I get, I am never going to be hungry enough for roasted chicken flavored potato chips.


Anonymous said...

ew! i'm glad everything seems to be working out!

chris said...

Way to take stand, Laurie. Know your limits.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say Nutella which would have produced a guilty smile...this just confuses me. Do they use real chicken, or just a chicken-like flavoring???

Erin McJ said...

I eat meat and I totally wouldn't eat those. Ew.

Also, I just remembered to catch up on your travel blog and it sounds like you've been having some excitement. La langue française est très belle et j'espère que tu t'amuses bien!

Laurie said...

Lauren, I actually support Europe's obsession with Nutella although I don't think it's entirely warranted. I mean nutella's good but is it really good enough to justify an entire aisle dedicated to it in the grocery store? And does it really need to be put on everything? These are questions that I urge Europeans to ask themselves someday. Then again, it could be argued that we have a similar obsession with peanut butter which most Europeans seem to detest as much as we detest marmite. That's weird that I used the word 'detest', I think it's because I've been saying j'deteste all week in class.

I haven't gotten close enough to the potato chip bags to check the ingredients but they've sold them in every single country that I've been to, I think (maybe not Germany?). The reason that I know they're roasted chicken, by the way, is because they have an EXTREMELY LIFE-LIKE PICTURE of a roasted chicken on the front. They may actually be delicious but that picture terrifies me. In eastern europe, they also had ham-flavored chips and something that looked like it might be roast beef.

Laurie said...

Merci, Erin! Oui, la lengue française est très belle mais j'prefère espagnole parce que française est très difficil pourmoi. Je n'aime dire pas le mot 'le film d'horreur' et le mot 'roman'. C'est impossible!

Laurie said...

There, I added a photo for your enjoyment and/or revulsion. I borrowed the photo from google images.