Saturday, August 11, 2007


There's this Regina Spektor song that I listened to a lot last summer. I listened to it a lot. I listened to the whole album a lot but that song in particular. Driving through the rolling green fields of Wisonsin, windows down and music up, it took every ounce of willpower I had to keep from jumping out of the car and dancing on back country roads. That song felt like something in the inner recesses of my soul had been plucked out and set to treble clef and bass clef.

I haven't heard that song since last summer, I don't think, but I heard it a few days ago. I was stirring my coffee when it came on the radio and I thought how funny if someone had told me, while I was driving through the rolling green fields of Wisconsin, that the next time I'd hear this song I'd be stirring my coffee in the kitchen of someone's East End flat in London. And I wondered if some people are never surprised by where they find themselves.

I hope that all of you have the opportunity to surprise yourselves.

I'm staying with the nicest boys in the world. I met them in Berlin through a mutual friend (who I hadn't even seen in probably three years) and they're putting me up for seven whole nights in London. They're actually cat-sitting for a friend and the cat's staying with them the exact same dates that I am. They've put up a survey on the message board: "Which new housemate do you prefer? (please tally at will)". So far I'm winning by a landslide but then I clean up after myself and the cat's a bit ornery.

So far:

  • trashy British television (a close relative of trashy American television)
  • falling asleep on a double decker bus
  • oohing and ahhing over baby farm animals
  • fantastic exhibit at the Tate Modern
  • brownie-baking and tear-inducing Noel Coward film
  • frozen pizza on living room floor watching Sex and the City
  • people-watching on a wall in Soho at twelve in the morning
  • getting lost in Hampstead Heath Park (which, in addition to being the loveliest place imaginable, also has the cleanest park restrooms I've ever seen)
It's nice to be with people again.

I was thinking yesterday that there are so many people in the world who I love, love, love and who love, love, love me, too. I bet you have a lot of them, too, and isn't that the nicest thing in the world? It's nicer than sunning yourself in a park in Amsterdam, toes buried in the grass. It's nicer than strolling down a wide, tree-lined boulevard in Paris with flowers up and down the sides. It's nicer than watching the sun set over the Charles Bridge in Prague, city lights painting the sky one by one.

All of those things are very nice, actually, and they are experiences that I hope each of you can have someday if you want them but I was thinking today of that quote from The Wizard of Oz, the one that I never really liked: "If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."

I never really liked that quote but there's something to be said for it, I think.


B W said...

hey! give me 'the boys' number in england, i'm sure they have a landline, and I can call for free. I'd love to talk to all of you. Glad London is nice!

Laurie said...

I'm actually heading back tomorrow morning so I may not get to talk to you before I leave but if they have a landline you can call and gossip about me after I'm gone.

Anonymous said...

London is so fabulous! A few blocks north and east, I think, from Grennwich Station (spelling?) there is a little pub that Jack the Ripper suposedly ate at. It's very tourist-esque, but always filled with locals and few travelers. Great food, wonderful atmosphere. Check it out before you leave.

Also, I loved the reflection in this post! Isn't it funny how when we try to broaden our horizons our point of view can get even narrower? We take so much for granted when we surround ourselves with new things, huh? Sheesh, sorry for the philosophy bit! Have awonderful time. Keep writing, I love reading it!

chris said...

I loved Hamstead Heath as well. You're in the countryside, but also in the middle of London. It's amazing.

I had a similar experience with the lovely Ms. Spektor as well. I was wandering through a grocery store in Rome, searching in vain for vegan fare. Then "On the Radio" came on, and everything felt more okay than it had in quite a while.

Vicarious Me said...

I don't read anymore. I don't write anymore. I don't know what happened. I just woke up one morning and things seemed far too important and far not important enough to write about. My first brush with writer's block...does this make me a real writer? Anyway, this is the first time I've read your blog in weeks, months even. Essentially, I have no idea what happened in your life for the whole summer outside of basic details Laura would give me. However, I'm in Tampa and sitting in Kaleisia and was thinking about you and so I read your last entry. It's funny that you quoted that line from Wizard Of Oz because I spent my whole summer doing the Wizard Of Oz.

The first day of rehearsal when she said that line I thought to myself, " That's so strange. What a horrible message to teach children." And then the next week it seemed less strange, and the next week it seemed less strange, and then 3 weeks later it seemed deserved and then 3 weeks later it seemed necessary and by the end of the run I was so homesick it seemed downright imperative.

There's something about home it seems. There's something about home.