Tuesday, July 24, 2007


One of the nice things about living in Paris is that even when it's raining and you're abominably late for the bus and some crazy person on the street is screaming at you in french... you're still in Paris.

I've started to kind of hate my french class. I think it's good for me but there is nothing fun about spending thirty hours a week doing something that you're really bad at. It makes my brain hurt. And this is terrible for my french but I have earphones in my ears almost all the time now when I'm on the train or when I'm walking down the street. Sometimes I just feel like I have to shut out the french or it will start dripping out of my ears like wax.

I've committed to making a decision about law school by Friday although I think I already know what that decision will be. When I decided to go to law school, it felt like swallowing a vitamin. This time, it's going down like honey.

1 comment:

chris said...

"there is nothing fun about spending thirty hours a week doing something that you're really bad at"

I concur in the most adamant possible way.