Thursday, July 5, 2007

It's Still Raining and My Backpack is Full of Books

For awhile, I was consistently losing weight due to the extreme amount of walking and stair climbing in which I've been engaging. Unfortunately, my steady diet of cheese and carbohydrates has apparently caught up with me as that trend has decidedly reversed.

I only accept partial blame for my unhealthy eating habits, however. Every food product in all of Poland and the Czech Republic seems to have been breaded and deep fried and then smothered in a mountainous glob of cheese and mayonnaise. Vegetables are elusive.

I fell in love today, by the way. The object of my affection is an English language used bookstore called Massolit Books which bought two finished books from me and sold me three more for a shockingly low price. English language books are notoriously expensive and hard to come by in Europe and this place was stocked. It's actually the second most amazing used bookstore I've ever come across (the first being Antiquarium in Omaha, Nebraska).

Tomorrow is Budapest!


Anonymous said...

You are reading The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, one of my faves! And since Greenpoint is 85% Polish I feel that I can somewhat relate to your experiences know, kinda. Hope the long train to Budapest is calm.

Anonymous said...

hooray for books! hooray for travel! mostly!

Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite pictures ever. I love warm inviting bookstores, especially used bookstores, especially English language bookstores, though that is a moot point for me here in the states.